Month: January 2016

1/28: Visiting Scholar David Grusky

4:00-5:30 PM, Thursday, January 28, 2016
Konover Auditorium, Dodd Center

The Epsilon of Connecticut chapter of Phi Beta Kappa will be hosting a public lecture by Visiting Scholar David B. Grusky entitled A Blueprint for Ending Poverty…Permanently. He will contend that we now have enough evidence about the sources and causes of poverty to wage a war against poverty based on science.

David Grusky is the Barbara Kimball Browning Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences at Stanford, director of the Center on Poverty and Inequality, and coeditor of Pathways Magazine and of Stanford’s Studies in Social Inequality book Series. He is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, recipient of the Max Weber Award for Distinguished Scholarship (American Sociological Association), founder of the Cornell University Center for the Study of Inequality, and a former Presidential Young Investigator.

His research examines changes in the amount, type, and sources of inequality, including such questions as whether and why gender, racial, and class-based inequalities are growing stronger and how such differences are best measured. His recent books include The Inequality PuzzleSocial Stratification, Occupy the Future, The Inequality Reader, The New Gilded Age, and The Great Recession.

Professor Grusky’s lecture will be followed by a reception in Dodd Lounge.